
Creating Patterns with the TriBall



The TriBall can also implement linear, rectangular, and radial pattern creation using IntelliShapes, parts , or assemblies as master shapes.  Pattern shapes are fully parametric for efficient and precise definition.


It is important to note that:

  • Reference and constrained dimensions can be placed on pattern skeletons.

  • Pattern shapes cannot be created from pattern shapes.

  • IntelliShapes cannot contain multiple master patterns.

  • Both master shapes and instances can be suppressed.

  • Master shapes can be removed from a pattern shape.

  • The same limitations that apply to linking shapes apply to pattern shapes.

  • Patterns included in an assembly can only be repositioned within that assembly (its parent) hierarchy.

Note: The TriBall pattern is a grouping of link shapes. To create a pattern feature where there is a parent feature and child features that can refer to objects and can support pattern-of-pattern, refer to the Pattern Feature command. Since the TriBall is a grouping of links, this type of pattern is not supported on Structured Part features.

Creating a linear pattern of shapes

Creating a radial pattern of shapes

Creating a rectangular pattern of shapes

Adding dimension references to pattern skeletons