
Creating a Radial Pattern



To create a radial pattern of shapes:

  1. After activating the TriBall on the desired object to specify as a master shape, reposition the TriBall to the desired location of the pattern center.

  2. Select the 1D handle for the axis about which to rotate the pattern.

  3. Right-click within the TriBall, drag to rotate, and release.

  4. From the resulting pop-up menu, select Create Radial Pattern, enter the desired number and angle values, and click OK.  (Similarly, you can right-click the 1D handle and select Create Radial Pattern from the menu.)




  5. Edit in the same manner as for a linear pattern.

If desired, dimension references can be added to the pattern skeleton.


Note: The TriBall pattern is a grouping of link shapes. To create a pattern feature where there is a parent feature and child features that can refer to objects and can support pattern-of-pattern, refer to the Pattern Feature command. Since the TriBall is a grouping of links, this type of pattern is not supported on Structured Part features.