Scene Toolbars

Standard Scene Toolbar

Selection Scene Toolbar

Camera Toolbar

Advance Camera Toolbar

Camera Picker Toolbar

Rendering Toolbar

IntelliShape Creation Toolbar

3D Curve Creation Toolbar

Point Snap Option Toolbar

SmartPaint Toolbar

SmartMotions Toolbar

3D Dimensions Toolbar

2D Technical Drawing Toolbar

2D Constraints Toolbar

2D Construction Toolbar

2D Editing Toolbar

Face/Edge Edit Toolbar

Assembly Toolbar

Surface toolbars

Sheet Metal Toolbar

Design Variation Toolbar

Center of Gravity Toolbar

Boolean Operation Toolbar

Customizing Toolbars


The default scene toolbars provide shortcuts to the most commonly used options in part/assembly design.  However, all toolbars are fully customizable to meet specific user requirements. Below are the default toolbars and definitions associated to the toolbar icons. To review how to customize toolbars, click on the Customizing Toolbar quick link above.

Standard Scene Toolbar

The Standard tools for the scene perform housekeeping, as well as other more commonly used, operations.  Some of these tools may be familiar to you from other computer applications.

Default Command Icons:

New Scene using Default Template. Create a new scene document with a default template.

New Drawing Using Default Template. Create a new drawing with a default template.

New CAXA Draft Drawing Using Blank Template. Create a new CAXA Draft drawing with a blank template.

Open (CTRL + O).  Use this tool to open an existing scene.

Save  (CTRL + S).  Use this tool to save the contents of your current scene in a disk file.

Undo (CTRL + Z). Undo last action.

Redo (CTRL + Y). Redo last undone action

TriBall Positioning Tool (F10). Position selected assembly, part or IntelliShape.

Mate-Align Positioning Tool. Position assemblies, parts or Intellishapes in alignment with other scene geometry.

Positioning Constraint Tool. Assign position constraints to assemblies, parts or Intellishapes relative to other scene geometry.

Scene/Property/Command Browser. Toggle the display of the scene browser.

Find in Scene Browser.Locates the selected shape in the scene browser.

Local Coordinate System.Create a local coordinate system.

Help (Shift + F1). Display help for clicked buttons menus and windows.

Selection Scene Toolbar

This toolbar allows the user to select geometry within the scene at different levels. Selection can be individual or in a group using the Box Select tool.

Select Tool. Select an individual part or assembly.

Box Select. Drag a box to select objects in the scene/sheet.

Select All.Selects all objects displayed in the scene.

Selection Filter. Choose the default level for selecting with the Select Tool.

Active Configuration. Select the active configuration for the scene.

Configurations. Manage named configurations

Camera Toolbar

This toolbar allows the user to manipulate cameras within the scene.

Pan Camera (F2). Use cursor to move camera sideways or up and down.

Orbit Camera (F3). Use cursor to orbit camera around center of scene.

Dolly Camera Forwards or Backwards (F4). Move the camera forward or backward.

Walk Camera (CTRL + F2). Walk the camera forward, backward, left or right.

Zoom Camera (F5). Use the cursor to zoom the camera in or out.

Window Zoom (CTRL + F5). Zoom view to fill rectangle.

Zoom to Selection).Zoom to the select assembly/part/feature and center camera.

Look At (F7). Set camera to look directly at a selected surface.

Target Camera (CTRL + F7).  Shift center for camera orbit to the selected shape.

Fit Scene (F8). Enlarge or shrink the view to fit the entire scene.

Save Camera.Save the camera configuration.

Restore Camera. Restore the previously saved camera configuration.

Undo Camera. Undo the camera changes in the scene.

Redo Camera. Redo the camera changes that have been undone.

Perspective Camera (F9). Use the perspective camera.

Advanced Camera Toolbar

This toolbar provides the user with more detailed control of cameras within the scene.

Pan up. Pan the camera up.

Pan down. Pan the camera down.

Pan left. Pan the camera left.

Pan right. Pan the camera right.

Tilt up. Tilt the camera up.

Tilt down. Tilt the camera down.

Yaw left. Yaw the camera left.

Yaw right. Yaw the camera right.

Roll left. Roll the camera left.

Z Up. Make "Z" the Camera Up direction.

Roll right. Roll the camera right.

Arc Up.Arc camera up around Look At point.

Arc Down. Arc camera down around Look At point.

Arc Left. Arc camera left around Look At point.

Arc Right. Arc camera right around Look At point.

Perspective Wider.Adjust camera perspective wider.

Perspective Narrower.Adjust camera perspective narrower.

Camera Picker Toolbar

These tools are used to create standard view orientations in the 3D scene environment.

Front. Orient the camera view to the front.

Top. Orient the camera view to the top.

Left. Orient the camera view to the left.

Right Orient the camera view to the right.

Back. Orient the camera view to the back.

Bottom. Orient the camera view to the bottom.

Top-front-left. Orient the camera view to the top-front-left. .

Top-front-right. Orient the camera view to the top-front-right. .

Bottom-front-left. Orient the camera view to the bottom-front-left. .

Bottom-front-right. Orient the camera view to the bottom-front-right. .

Rendering Toolbar

Switch between rendering options in the scene environment.

Shaded No Edges. Switch to shaded with no edges drawn.

Shaded With Edges. Switch to shaded with edges drawn.

Shaded With Hidden Edges. Switch to shaded with hidden edges drawn.

Wireframe. Switch to wireframe mode in the scene rendering environment.

Wireframe With Hidden Edges. Switch to wireframe mode in the scene rendering environment with hidden edges drawn.

Wireframe Edges Removed. Switch to wireframe mode in the scene rendering environment with edges removed.

Options. Access the advanced rendering options.

Render Now (CTRL + R). Start full rendering immediately.

IntelliShape Creation Toolbar

This toolbar can be used  to create several basic Intellishapes.

Extrude Shape.Extrude a cross-section to create an Extruded IntelliShape.

Spin Shape. Spin a cross-section around an access to create a Spin InelliShape.

Sweep Shape. Sweep a cross-section along a guide curve to create a Sweep IntelliShape.

Loft Shape.Create a free-form Loft IntelliShape using multiple cross sections.

Insert Text Shape. Insert a 3D text shape.

Insert 2D Shape. Create a 2D shape.

3D Curve Creation Toolbar

This toolbar can be used to create and manipulate 3D curves.

3D Curve Shape. Create a 3D Curve.

Iso-Parametric Curve.Create an iso-paramatric (UV) curve on a selected surface.

Intersection Curve.Create an intersection curve from intersecting surfaces or faces.

Projection Curve.Create a curve by projecting a 3D curve or edge onto a surface or face.

Formula Curve.Create a curve derived from a formula or equations.

Merge Curves. Merge selected 3D curves together.

Trim/Split 3D wires. Trim or split selected 3D curve.

Point Snap Option Toolbar


Endpoints. Snap to endpoints.

Midpoint. Snap to the midpoint of an edge.

Center. Snap to the center of an arc or circle edge.

Intersection. Snap to the intersection point.

SmartPaint Toolbar

This toolbar allows users to apply and move different visual and physical styles between parts or assemblies.

Fill EyeDropper. Fill EyeDropper with the SmartPaint style of a specified part.

Apply EyeDropper. Apply current SmartPaint style to parts.

Move Texture. Select new location for center of surface texture.

Move Bumps.Select new location for center of surface bumps.

Move Decal. Select new location for center of surface decal.

SmartMotions Toolbar

The SmartMotions Toolbar allows users to build and play through custom animations using parts or assemblies in the scene.

On. Turn on the timeline.

Play. Play the timeline.

Stop. Stop the timeline.

Rewind. Rewind  the timeline.

Add New Path.Add a new animation path to selected assembly, part or IntelliShape.

Extend Path.Extend the current animation path by adding points.

Insert Key.Insert a new key point into the current animation path.

Next Key Path.Advance to the next key in the current animation path.

3D Dimensions Toolbar

The 3D Dimensions Toolbar allows users to apply different dimension types to parts and assemblies for reference.

Linear SmartDimension. Insert SmartDimension to measure distances and to position shapes.

Horizontal Linear SmartDimension. Insert SmartDimension to measure horizontal distances and to position shapes.

Vertical Linear SmartDimension. Insert SmartDimension to measure vertical distances and to position shapes.

Angular SmartDimension. Insert SmartDimension to measure angles and to position shapes.

Radial SmartDimension. Insert SmartDimension to measure radius of circular surfaces.

Diameter SmartDimension.  Insert SmartDimension to measure diameter of circular surfaces.

Add Text Annotation. Add Text Annotation to assembly, part of IntelliShape.

Show SmartDimensions. Show all smart dimensions in the scene.

Show Constraints. Show constraint dimension in the scene.

2D Technical Drawing Toolbar

This toolbar allows the user to create basic 2D shapes in the 2D sketch environment.

Two Point Line.Create a Two Point Line.

Tangent Line. Create a line tangent to a curve.

Perpendicular Line. Create a line perpendicular to a curve.

Point. Create a point.

Polyline. Create a Polyline.

Rectangle. Create a rectangle.


Create Parallelogram. Create a parallelogram by 3 points.

Create Polygon. Create a polygon.

Circle: Center Radius. Create a circle by specifying a center point and a radius.

Circle: 2 Points. Create a circle whose diameter goes through two specified points.

Circle: 3 Points. Create a circle specified by 3 points.

Circle: 1 Tangent, 2 Points. Create a circle by specifying one tangent curve and two points.

Circle: 2 Tangents, 1 Point. Create a circle by specifying two tangent curves and one point.

Circle: 3 Tangents. Create a circle from three specified tangent curves.

Arc: 2 Endpoints. Create an arc by specifying two endpoints.

Arc: Center and Endpoints. Create an arc by specifying a center point and two endpoints.

Arc: 3 Points. Create an arc by specifying three points.

Ellipse. Create an ellipse.

Elliptical Arc. Create an elliptical arc.

Bezier Spline. Create a bezier spline.

BSpline. Create a BSpline curve by specifying points on the curve.

Fillet. Create a Fillet at the endpoint of two curves.

Chamfer. Create a chamfer on two lines.

Construction Drawing.Format curves as construction geometry.

2D Constraints Toolbar

This toolbar allows users to apply constraints to their 2D sketches in the 2D sketch environment within the scene.

Dimension Constraint. Make curve dimension constraint for various elements.

Angle Constraint. Make angle dimension constraint between line segments.

Arc Length Constraint.Constrain the length of the arc.

Arc Angle Constraint.Constrain the angle of the arc.

Horizontal Constraint. Make horizontal (L) constraint on line segments.

Vertical Constraint. Make vertical (W) constraint on line segments.

Perpendicular Constraint. Make perpendicular constraint between two lines or a line and circle/arc segment.

Tangent Constraint. Make tangent constraint between lines and circle/arcs or between two circles/arcs.

Parallel Constraint. Make parallel constraint between two line segments.

Equal-Length Constraint. Make equal-length curve constraint on lines and circles/arcs.

Concentric Constraint. Make a concentric circle or arc constraint.

Colinear Constraint. Make colinear constraint between line segments.

Midpoint Constraint.Make a constraint from a point to a midpoint of a curve.

Coincident Constraint. Create coincident constraint between endpoints of lines/circles/arcs and other segments.

Mirror Constraint. Create mirror constraint of the selected geometry.

Offset Constraint.Create an offset constraint of the selected curves.

Fixed-Geometry Constraint. Create fixed-geometry constraint for line/circles/arcs.

Projection Constraint. Create projection constraint from the 3D geometry. This only applies to part edges and not edges defined by IntelliShapes only.


2D Construction Toolbar

This toolbar allows users to create construction lines for reference. Non-infinate lines can later be turned into real geometry.

Angular Construction Line.Create a construction line by specifying two endpoints.

Vertical (W) Construction Line.Create a vertical (W) construction line by specifying two endpoints.

Horizontal (L) Construction Line. Create a horizontal (L) construction line by specifying two endpoints.

Tangent Construction Line.Create a construction line tangent to an existing curve.

Perpendicular Construction Line.Create a construction line perpendicular to an existing curve.

Angle Bisector Construction Line.Create a construction line that bisects two intersecting lines.

2D Editing Toolbar

This toolbar allows users to edit and reposition 2D sketches.

Move Curves. Move selected curves.

Scale Curves. Scale selected curves.

Rotate Curves. Rotate selected curves.

Mirror.Mirror selected curves about a line.

Offset Curves. Offset selected curves.

Linear Pattern.Create a linear pattern of curves.

Circular Pattern.Create a circular pattern of curves.

Split. Split a curve by selecting a point on the curve.

Extend Curve to Curve. Extend curve to intersection with another curve.

Trim Curve. Trim away portion of curve between intersection with other curves.

Fillet. Create a Fillet at the endpoint of two curves.

Chamfer. Create a chamfer on two lines.

Face/Edge Edit Toolbar

This toolbar allows users to edit existing edges on 3D geometry. It can also be used to perform specific actions between two faces.

Blend Edges.Bevel selected edges using blend operation.

Chamfer Edges. Bevel selected edges using a chamfer operation.

Draft Faces.Draft faces on a part based on a Neutral Plane or Pull Direction.

Thread Feature.Create a thread from a profile on a selected cylindrical face.

Move Face. Move surface of selected face(s) to new position.

Taper Face. Taper surface of selected face(s).

Match Face. Match surface of selected face(s) with a specified surface.

Offset Face. Offset surface of selected face(s).

Delete Face. Delete surface of selected face(s) from shape geometry.

Edit Face Radius. Edit the radius of the conic surface of the selected face(s).

Shell Part. Shell the interior of the part removing selected face(s).

Split Part. Split the selected part into two parts using another part to define split.

Split Faces. Split faces on a part using a curve, silhouette or another part.

Section Part/Assembly. Section the selected parts/assembly.

Stretch Part/Assembly. Stretch the selected parts/assembly.

Assembly Toolbar

This toolbar allows users to assemble, disassemble or insert selected geometry.

Assemble. Create an assembly from the selected parts and assemblies.

Disassemble (Ungroup) Shape. Ungroup selected shape.

Insert Part/Assembly. Insert a part/assembly into the scene from a file.

Surface Toolbar

This tool allows users to modify surface geometry.

Mesh Surface. Create a mesh surface from intersecting U and V direction curves.

Loft Surface. Create a Loft Surface from multiple 3D curves or existing edges.

Ruled Surface. Create a Ruled Surface between two 3D curves or existing edges.

Spin Surface. Create a Spin Surface from a strait line axis using a 3D curve or existing edge cross-section.

Patch Surface. Create a patch surface from any number of edges that define a closed loop.

Sweep Surface. Create a sweep surface using two guide curves, bounded curves, parallel along a path or fixed along a path.

Face-Face Fillet. Create a Face-Face surface fillet that is constant or variable along points.

Extend Surface. Create an extended surface from an existing surface.

Untrim Surface. Restore the original untrimmed surface.

Offset Surface. Offset the selected surface.

Merge Surface. Merge two or more surfaces into one surface.

Trim Surface. Trim surface by another surface.

Sheet Metal Toolbar

This toolbar allows users to edit sheetmetal parts or manipulate their status (folded or unfolded).

Unfold. Unfold selected sheetmetal part.

Refold. Refold the selected unfolded sheetmetal part.

Cut. Cut sheetmetal part.

Add Closed Corner. Add closed corner between the selected sheetmetal bends.

Add Miter Flange. Add miter flange to the selected sheetmetal stock.

Design Variation Toolbar

This toolbar allows users to add, delete or edit Design Variations.

Add. Add design variation.

Delete. Delete design variation.

Edit. Edit design variation.

Center of Gravity Toolbar

This toolbar allows users to add, hide or edit show centers of gravity.

Add. Add center of gravity.

Hide. Hide center of gravity.

Show. Show center of gravity details.

Boolean Operation Toolbar

This toolbar allows users to perform standard boolean operations on selected 3D geometry.

Set Operation. Set boolean behavior (add or subtract material) of selected part.

Boolean.Perform boolean operation on selected shapes.

Boolean Union.Perform union boolean operation on selected shapes.

Boolean Intersect.Perform intersect boolean operation on selected shapes.

Boolean Subtract.Perform subtract boolean operation on selected shapes.