The Extrude Wizard provides a step by step process to take a 2D Profile into a 3D Shape by extruding in a single direction.

  1. >Select the Extrude Wizard tool from the Feature Fluent Ribbon Bar.
  2. If geometry is present in the scene, select the Plane type and place the plane in the scene. Once the plane is placed, the Extrude Shape Wizard will be displayed.  If the scene is empty, the grid will automatically be displayed in the XY plane orientation.
  3. Set the desired parameters on the four steps of options.
  4. Select Finish to close the Wizard. Draw the desired closed 2D Profile and select Finish on the 2D Shape Ribbon to complete the command.


Extrude IntelliShape Wizard

The Extrude Wizard provides a step by step process to take a 2D Profile into a 3D Shape by extruding in a single direction. To extrude a 2D cross-section into three dimensions, it is pulled along a third axis to add height.  In this way, for example, you can create a block from a square or a cylinder from a circle.  

To use the Extrude Shape tool to create a custom IntelliShape:

  1. Select the Extrude Wizard tool from the Feature Fluent Ribbon Bar, on the IntelliShape Creation toolbar, or from the Quick Access Property Browser.
  2. If geometry is present in the scene, select the Plane type and place the plane in the scene. Once the plane is placed, the Extrude Shape Wizard will be displayed.  If the scene is empty, the grid will automatically be displayed in the XY plane orientation.
  3. Set the desired parameters on the four steps of options.
  4. Select Finish to close the Wizard.  A 2D drawing grid (and the Edit Cross-section dialog box in the Toolbar UI) is displayed. In the Fluent Ribbon Bar UI, the Ribbon UI will default to the Sketch Fluent Ribbon Bar to provide the necessary 2D Technical Drawing tools.
  5. Use the 2D Technical Drawing tools to create the desired cross-section geometry that will define the resulting extrude shape.
  6. When the cross-section geometry is complete, select Finish Shape on the Sketch Fluent Ribbon Bar or  Edit Cross-section dialog box in the Toolbar UI.

You can also right-click the cross-section and select Finish Drawing from the resulting pop-up menu.  In either case, the cross-section is extruded into 3D.


If the 2D cross-section cannot be extended into 3D, see Repairing Failed Cross-sections of Custom IntelliShapes.

Creating an Extrude Surface

You can create extrude surfaces to be used for illustrating geometry information, as well as cutting and splitting operations

  1. Select the Extrude Wizard tool from the Feature Fluent Ribbon Bar, on the IntelliShape Creation toolbar, or from the Quick Access Property Browser.
  2. If geometry is present in the scene, select the Plane type and place the plane in the scene. Once the plane is placed, the Extrude Shape Wizard will be displayed.  If the scene is empty, the grid will automatically be displayed in the XY plane orientation.
  3. Click the radio button for Surface under Create Solid/Surface?
  4. Set the desired parameters on the remaining three steps of options and click Finish. A 2D drawing grid (and the Edit Cross-section dialog box in the Toolbar UI) is displayed. In the Fluent Ribbon Bar UI, the Ribbon UI will default to the Sketch Fluent Ribbon Bar to provide the necessary 2D Technical Drawing tools.
  5. Use the 2D Technical Drawing tools to create the desired cross-section geometry that will define the profile of the resulting extrude shape. NOTE:  The profile can be either open or closed.
  6. When the cross-section geometry is complete, select Finish Shape on the Sketch Fluent Ribbon Bar or on the Edit Cross-section dialog box in the Toolbar UI.

You can also right-click the cross-section and select Finish Drawing from the resulting pop-up menu.  In either case, the cross-section is extruded into 3D.


If the 2D cross-section cannot be extended into 3D, see Repairing Failed Cross-sections of Custom IntelliShapes.


The created surface will have the standard IntelliShape handles for editing its profile, if desired.

Editing Extrude Shapes or Surfaces

If you’re not satisfied with the 3D extrude shape or surface created, you can edit its cross-section or other properties, even though it has already been extended into 3D.  Select the finished Extrude shape or surface at the IntelliShape editing level.  Notice that shape handles are displayed by default by moving the cursor over the edge of the associated face, rather than the sizebox handles displayed on standard IntelliShapes.  Shape handles are the only default handle type available for newly created custom IntelliShapes.  You can turn on the sizebox handle in the sizebox properties if needed for Innovative Parts. Extrude shape handles include:

  • Triangular extrude handles.  Use these handles to edit the forward and end surfaces of the Extrude.

  • Square profile handles.  Use these handles to reposition faces of the Extrude.

Use shape handles to edit an Extrude either by dragging the associated handle or by right-clicking the handle to access and edits its standard IntelliShape handle editing options.


To display sizebox handles, as well, right-click the shape or surface at the IntelliShape editing level, select IntelliShape Properties, and select the Sizebox properties tab.  From the Display options, select each handle and the Box options and then choose OK. Use the newly displayed Handle Toggle to switch to sizebox handles.  


You can also edit an Extrude shape or surface using the its pop-up menu options, accessed by right-clicking the shape or surface at IntelliShape editing level or by changing the settings in the Quick Access Property Browser.  In addition to the standard IntelliShape pop-up menu options, the following Extrude IntelliShape options are offered:

  • Edit Cross-section.  Select to revise the 2D cross-section of the 3D shape or surface.

  • Edit Feature Options. Select this option to access the settings for the feature (like add/remove) in the command browser format.

  • Edit Forward End Condition.  Select to specify forward end condition options for the 3D shape or surface, as follows:

  • Extrude to Distance.  This option is available for stand-alone extrude shapes or surfaces, as well as those added to an existing shape/part.  Select it to define a specific distance value for the forward end of the Extrude.

    • Extrude to Next.  This option is only available for extrude shapes or surfaces added to an existing shape/part.  Select it to specify how many faces the forward end of the extrude should intersect before completion.

    • Extrude to Faces.  This option is only available for extrude shapes or surfaces added to an existing shape/part.  Select it to direct the forward end of the extrude to be matched to a specific face.

    • Extrude to Surface.  This option is only available for extrude shapes or surfaces added to an existing shape/part.  Select it to direct the forward end of the extrude to a specified surface on the same part.

    • Extrude thru Part.  This option is only available for extrude shapes or surfaces added to an existing shape/part that removes material.  Select it to direct the forward end of the extrude to extend through the entire part.

  • Edit Backward End Condition.  Select to specify backward end condition options for the 3D shape or surface, identical to those offered for Edit Forward End Condition above.

  • Flip Extrude Direction.  Select to reverse the direction of the 3D shape or surface’s extrude by mirroring it about the plane of the original 2D cross-section.

To change the extrusion depth after the 2D cross-section is extended into 3D, edit its option on the Extrude tab of the IntelliShapes Properties sheet.


Note: Standalone Parts generated from Wizards will create Innovative Parts. Wizards can be used as features in either part type mode.


Extrude Feature Support for Remove Material Side (inside/outside)

Option in Extrude features to remove outside material. Easily draw the profile that makes the solid cut and select outside cut to remove everything outside of the profile (reduces the effort to draw an outside border).


Extrude Feature Support Single Line and Thickness

Ability to draw single line profiles in the Extrude sketch and input a thickness and direction to create the solid extrude material.