



Displaying/Hiding Toolbars

Customizing Toolbars

Moving and Resizing Toolbars


Several default toolbars are available with options for the most frequently used functions in the program when working in the Toolbar User Interface.  Thorough explanations of each tool appear as appropriate throughout the guide.  As with menus, toolbars and their options are fully customizable. In addition, toolbars can also be enabled while working in the Fluent Ribbon User Interface.


The text displayed when the cursor is placed over a tool is called a Tooltip.  The tooltip will display the command name and a short description of the command to help clarify the command action..

Displaying/Hiding Toolbars

Several toolbars are displayed by default in the Toolbar User Interface.  However, you can hide or display toolbars, as desired.

To hide or display a toolbar:

  • From the View menu, choose Toolbars.

  • In the resulting dialog box, click to check the associated box for each toolbar to be displayed, and then choose OK.

  • To hide a toolbar, click to remove the check from the associated box and then choose OK.

You can also right-click any toolbar to view a list of all toolbars for the active environment.  To display or hide a toolbar, select or deselect it from the list. In addition, select the Expand button on a toolbar to add/remove actions to a toolbar or to display/hide toolbar actions.


Customizing Toolbars

The process of menu customization begins by accessing the Customize Toolbars/Menu/Keyboard option from the default View-Toolbar menu.  The resulting dialog box displays Commands, Toolbar, Keyboard,Tools and Options tabs.  To begin defining custom menus, select the Commands tab to display the options shown here:



Menus options on the Customize dialog box


To create a new toolbar, select on the Toolbars tab of the Customize Dialog. Option listed on this tab allow you to create, delete, reset, and rename toolbars as follows:

  • New.  Selection of this option displays the New Toolbar dialog box.  To create a new toolbar, enter the desired name and then select OK.

  • Delete.  Highlight a toolbar to be deleted and then select this option to remove it from the list of available toolbars.

  • Rename.  Highlight a toolbar to be renamed and then select this option to display the Rename Toolbar dialog box.  Enter the desired new name and then select OK to rename the toolbar.

  • Reset.  Highlight a toolbar to be reset to its default status and then select this option to implement the command.

  • Reset All.  Select this option to reset all available toolbars to their default statuses.

Once the available toolbars have been defined, you can begin the process of customizing toolbar display.  To display an available toolbar in the design environment, select its associated check box in the toolbar tab of the customize dialog.  To remove a toolbar from the main menu bar, deselect its associated check box.


To customize the available commands on the toolbars, select the Commands tab on the Customize dialog box.


To add a command to a toolbar, click on the desired command in the Customize Dialog under commands. Next, drag and drop the command to the desired location on the toolbar menu until an insertion mark is displayed and release the menu.


To reposition a command on a toolbar, left-click, drag it to the desired location until an insertion mark appears, and then release.


To remove a command from a toolbar, click on the command and drag and drop it into the scene window while the Customize Dialog is open.


To add a command to a menu on the main menu bar, first select the desired category from the drop-down list to display its command icons.  Left-click and drag the desired command icon up to the menu bar, over the menu to which it is to be added.  When the menu options are displayed, move cursor to the desired location of the command until a wide horizontal insertion mark appears and release.  The command is added to the menu in the specified location.   Commands can be moved within a menu or to an alternate menu by left clicking and dragging until the insertion mark appears in the desired location.  


Beneath the command icon display are other options; only three apply to menus (right-click on a button or menu with the Customize Dialog is open) .  Modify Selection offers several options for further customization of the command icons, as follows:

  • Reset.  Selection of this option resets the currently displayed menu/button to the default status.

  • Delete.  Selection of this option deletes the currently selected command/menu on the displayed menu.

  • Copy Button Image.  Selection of this option copies the currently selected command icon to the clipboard.

  • Paste Button Image.  Selection of this option pastes the current clipboard contents into the selected location.

  • Button Appearance.  Selection of this option allows the ability to specify a name for a command/menu.

  • Show Image Only.  Selection of this option displays only the command icon image for the selected option on the menu.

  • Show Text Only.  Selection of this option displays only the text associated with the command for the selected option on the menu.

  • Show Image & Text.  Selection of this option displays both the command icon image and its associated text for the selected option on the menu.

  • Begin a Group.  Selection of this option inserts a break point above the selected option on the menu/toolbar.

Manipulation of toolbar commands can only take place when the Customize dialog box is displayed.  Edits can be made at any point in time, not just at the time of original definition, simply by accessing the Customize option on the Tools menu.


Moving and Resizing Toolbars

On startup, toolbars are displayed in their default locations in the Toolbar User Interface.  However, you can reposition the toolbars, as desired, within the window.

To move a toolbar:

Move the toolbar by clicking on the background area of the toolbar (or on the 3 dotted line at the beginning of the toolbar) and then dragging it to an alternate location.  You can drop it along a side or the top/bottom or the active window, or at a location in the center of the scene or drawing window.

To resize a toolbar:

  • Left-click and drag its border.  This technique works only with "floating" toolbars that are not "docked" along the edges of the display.